
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Waiting. . . .Waiting. . . .Waiting. . . . 38 weeks

Baby girl and I are 38 weeks today and still playing the waiting game. . . . As of our last appointment on Friday, midwife said I was to deliver over the weekend. She said I was ripe and ready. At our 38 week appointment today, this is still the case. We are to continue to play the waiting game. I am now just over 4cm dilated and practically 100% effaced. So we gained a cm of dilation and 10% effacement over the weekend. She is still surprised I am not having “contractions” or really feeling the contractions. I told her all I am really feeling is tightening and hardening of my belly which is uncomfortable but not painful. Her response was that MY uterus seems to be very strong and this "tightening" alone is allowing my cervix to dilate. . . . crazy! She said I have cut probably 12 hours off my labor just by my body responding this way. She has only seen this with first time moms a few times. Apparently my strong willed uterus is not a common thing. . . .ha! So with that being said, she knows she doesn’t have a crystal ball but she thinks that once my water breaks it will be a fast labor and delivery. She said the baby’s head at this point can’t get any lower without my water breaking and me going into full labor. We had a hard time getting her heartbeat on the Doppler because she is so far down. Her heart is almost covered by my pelvic bone. So we will wait and baby girl will come when she is ready. But if I make it to my next appointment next Tuesday, I will have to discuss with her about being admitted to the hospital and them breaking my water on purpose. She doesn’t want me walking around at 6-7cm dilated and full effacement because that could leave open the possibility of me having the baby at home. She thinks that it is going to happen that sudden for me. I wouldn’t want that and I am sure Johnathon doesn't either! Could you imagine Johnathon delivering a baby? Ummmm no. He would freak!! And I would freak!!

Well our saga continues. . . . We will continue to keep everyone posted with any updates.

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