
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 19, 2013

Ripe Peach and Ready to Go. . . . 37 weeks!!

I'm a ripe peach and ready to go, alright. . . . No more counting down for me. I went into my 37th week appointment today and my midwife said I'm ready any day. This babe will probably come this weekend! I'm 3-4cm dilated and 80-90% effaced. I'm very uncomfortable, mild pain but not any sharp continuous contractions. My midwife continues to be amazed at how well my body has and still is adjusting at the pace it is. Today she continued to remind me that "most" first time mothers carry baby's to due date and beyond. I on the other hand will be 2-3 weeks early. I will chalk this up to me working as long and as hard as I did. I'm very proud of myself for working as long as I did, in such an intense fast paced environment. There were times when I literally was on my feet for 8 hours at a time. I am proud of my poor litte body for holding strong and having a healthy pregnancy. Now I just hope for a smooth delivery. I know it will be very painful but I just hope for no complications and a healthy baby. We are ready for her. Her nursery is complete, as you can see in the previous blog post of the pictures posted. Laundry done, house spring cleaned, new comfortable couch, dogs washed, hmmmmm what else can I say I have done in this last week. Johnathon and I have been working hard to get everything in order before baby girl comes because who knows when we will get the time to do it once she is here. It's nice to say I can actually now sit on my new couch, relax and not think of all the things I need to do.

Well I am not in much of a chit-chatty mood. Just wanted to update everyone with how we are progressing. Who knows maybe the next time you hear from us baby girl will have made her arrival. . . . I'll leave you with this picture and ask, "What is wrong with this picture?" Ouch!!!!

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