
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Few more days of silence. . . .39 weeks!!

I didn't think I'd make it this far but we had our 39th week appointment this morning. Johnathon went with me, knowing that we would have to make a decision on what we wanted to do from here. Baby is still sounding healthy. I’m dilated to 5 cm. So I gained 1 cm over the week. Midwife is still impressed with how my body is responding to my early labor. But I still have half way to go. . . . With that being said, we decided that we will induce on Friday. We’ll go in on Friday morning, they’ll start their thing and if everything goes accordingly we will have a baby girl by afternoon. This is not how I envisioned it would all happen but with Johnathon’s full schedule it is a little nerve racking to wait around for baby to come at any moment. Leaves me alone with the possibility of having a quick labor and delivery. . . . and the possibility that by the time I got someone to take me to hospital that baby would come in car. . . . I know that that may have been the way is happened years ago, but as a nurse and this being my first child I am not really enthusiastic about having a baby in my car. But I guess it would make a good story to tell later in life. . . . So as the saga continues, you most likely will get a phone call on Friday, May 3rd. Until then, have a good week!!!

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