Baby girl and I had
our 24th week appointment on Monday. We are measuring where we need to be. My
uterus is 24 cm in length, which is spot on to being 24 weeks pregnant. Baby
girl’s heart beat is still strong and she is moving around like crazy, she is a
wiggle worm. She is moving more and more each day. She has me jumping out of my
seat sometimes with her strong kicks. This morning I was cuddling with Brutus
on the couch. Brutus was lying right next to my belly, and baby girl started
kicking Brutus hard. . . .but I was the one feeling her strong kicks not him. .
. it didn’t feel so good. I feel like my belly has doubled in size in the last
two weeks. Carrying an extra 18 lbs in the mid section is hard on my body. I
think the hardest part of being pregnant right now is how much my body is
changing and growing. I’m already so uncomfortable and miserable. I still have
16 more weeks to go. Ugh! I did get a note from my doctor to limit my work
shifts to 8 hours instead of the current 12 hour work shifts I have been
working. I’ve found it to be harder and harder to give quality care to my
patients after being on my feet for more than 8 hours a day. So to protect myself,
baby girl and my patients I’m going to reduce my hours worked. Hopefully that
will help my discomfort.
John has started his 2013 rugby season. He was unsure at first whether or not he was going to play this year, but has decided that this will be his last year playing fulltime rugby. His first game is this Saturday against the Diablo Gaels. I’m looking forward to going since I finally have a weekend off. I’m going to take our little Brutus and socialize him.
I’m so happy my
blog is up and running again! Sigh of relief. . . . . I’ll leave this week with
a picture of a cute hand-me-down onsie I got from a friend. It put a big smile
on Johnathon’s face.
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