
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 28, 2012

Halfway done. . . 20 weeks. . .Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our friends and families! We are at 20 weeks and have chugged along to another milestone. . . baby and I are halfway done with the pregnancy. WooHoo!! We are now measuring baby from head to toe. No more crown to rump business. So baby weighs approximately 10 ounces and is 10 inches from head to toe. . . . we are saying about the size of a banana!! Baby is getting big and so am I. Right after my 18th week, baby decided to make an appearance and my belly popped out rather quickly. Baby is starting to make meconium in its digestive tract. This is the black, gooey, sticky substance that accumulates in their bowels. I am feeling baby move around. No kicks or jabs in the ribs. . . .too soon for that. But I can feel baby making turns, twists and swim around in there. 

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