
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, November 2, 2012

A Late 12 Week Post.....

I was planning on doing this 12 week post a week ago, but life took over. So I am sorry for the delay. The reward is that you all will get two posts this week. At 12 weeks, Baby Muchow is 2 inches long from crown to rump, about the size of a lime. When I put this lime in Johnathon's hand, all I could think is that the little peanut isn't a little peanut anymore. At 12 weeks, baby's big development is it's reflexes: it's beginning to open and close it's fingers, the mouth has begun to make sucking movements, toes will curl and eye muscles will clench. This all means baby is getting stronger.

We had our 12 week doctor's appointment, I was very excited to go in hopes that I would be able to see baby again and get a new picture. However, the doctor did not do an ultrasound. So I do not have a new picture of baby to share. We were able to hear the heartbeat by use of a doppler. This was quite exciting for us, that we recorded it to share with the family. So below is a video of the floor of the doctor's office but most important is the sound. Baby's heartbeat is strong. After hearing baby's heartbeat, I personally was relieved to know baby was doing okay. I have been struggling with the anxiety of not knowing if baby is doing okay. It's hard knowing there is a little being growing inside me but I can't see it, feel it, or hear it. I just have to trust that my body is  strong  enough to house such an important creature. I will admit that from time to time I intend to use the dopplar at my work to listen to baby's heartbeat.......shhhhh don't tell........

So I told you I would post a belly photo at 12 weeks, so here you ago. Here is a picture of me at 12 weeks, I am barely showing..... I hope I can stay small but I know that I probably won't. It's hard for a woman to watch her body change so quickly. Oh, by the way I cut my hair off!

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