
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 14, 2012

So proud of our Muchow man.....

This was a big week for Johnathon. He finally passed the CSET exam for World History. He took this test four times and each time walking away not feeling confident that he passed. Well the fourth time is a charm. . . . . he passed, which means he can move on in the teaching credential program and begin student teaching. This is a very big deal. . . . . if he hadn't passed, his education would have probably been delayed by a year. So we are very proud of our Muchow man. Good Job babe!

Our little Muchow is growing and growing fast. At 11 weeks, it is 1 and 1/2 inches long, about the size of a strawberry. My favorite fruit! The little one is already busy kicking and stretching inside of me. Movements too small for me to notice yet. . . . not for a couple of months. My lower abdomen is starting to protrude just a bit, but no belly shots yet. I'll start those at 12 weeks. I don't look preggo, I just look like I have been "over doing" it on the food department. Baby has his first set of gear. I bought a little onsie for the baby to get in the spirit of having a new addition to the family. Johnathon was sure pleased. . . . . .

Our next appointment is this Thursday, October 18th!! We are very excited because we will get to hear Baby Muchow's heartbeat and get a new picture!! We are going to try to record the heartbeat and post it on the blog. So stay tuned for another update at the end of this week!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

9 weeks and counting.....

Today marks that our little one has been growing for 9 weeks. At 9 weeks it is the size of a large raspberry. The fetus is starting to look more and more human and less like an alien. The four chambers of the heart are now divided. The gall bladder, spleen and liver are developing. The basic physiology of the fetus is in place, and now set for rapid weight gain. . . . . . .which means I will be adding on the "lbs."

I just finished my first (12 hour shift each) three day in a row work week while being pregnant. I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself for getting through it and not having any issues except being tired. Tiredness and fatiguing easier is the only pregnancy symptom I am feeling right now. Weeks 5 through 7 were not fun in the slightest. During that period I was extremely emotional, with up and down mood swings and I felt nauseated ALL THE TIME. . . . .grr. But I got through it. I am thinking positive that it'll be easier from here on out and my hormone changes have leveled out.

To share a sensitive and side note with the family, today my nurses union went on strike for the very first time in 26 years. It was an empowering and historical day for my fellow co-workers and myself. The article in the Press Democrat newspaper made it seem like us nurses were striking for more money, but in fact we are not asking for more money, we are wanting to keep our contract the same. SR Memorial Hospital is trying to change our benefit plan, cut our wages, and give priority to travel nurses over regular staffed nurses. It is pretty awesome to feel the unity of my fellow nurses. I picketed this morning with my telemetry crew. There were nurses picketing in front of the hospital, down the street and on the other side of the street. I was told 88% of our union nurses united together to make this stand today. There is still one more day of the strike. It's exciting to think how many people will show up tomorrow to picket. I hope the hospital and our union come to an agreement soon. . . . .to clear the tension in the air.