
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Muchow Times has begun........

We have family near and far, and with crazy schedules it is hard to keep everyone updated with what is going on in our lives. Now that there is a little Muchow Peanut brewing, we thought it would be most important to keep family in the loop as to what is going on. I thought keeping a blog and journalizing this experience would be the easiest way to let our family know how the Peanut is doing.

Here is Peanut's first photo. This was taken at our first doctor's visit, at 7 weeks (September 18th). The circle that looks like a head is actually the yolk sac and the fetus is the peanut shape above it. The dark crescent moon is indeed my uterus. At the time the photo was taken, the embryo was the size of  a blueberry. 

Stay tuned for more updates......this is just the beginning.....